Interview with Brad from Razertip

Company Name: Razertip Industries Inc.

Name and Role: Brad Merkle - Operations Manager

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada or @razertip

Can you tell us a brief history of Razertip? How/when did it start? 


Razertip started in 1984 when Cam Merkle was burning feather detail onto a decorative decoy woodcarving. The tool he was using wasn’t cutting it so he made his own. Through requests from friends and students it grew from there. Since then Razertip has been innovating and improving how pyrography tools and tips are made.

How many people are on the Razertip team? How many Are family members?

We have about 20 people on our team along with some additional contractors that we have established great relationships with. There are 5 family members on the team.

Can you share with us about the different machines you offer? How do they differ?

SK, SSD-10 and the P80 (and P80x expansion modules) The SK and SSD-10 are very similar units operating at 10 amps and provide great heat recovery and results. The P80 is the newest machine, it features a universal power supply, touch screen interface for unprecedented control and tip heat consistency.

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What is the temperature range of your tools? 

Our tips can operate at room temperature and many can exceed 800 degrees celsius. Depends on the shape and size of the tip. Tip temperature is only a part of the equation...Tip heat recovery is equally important to maintain a consistent and even burn.

What countries are your burners available in, and where can they purchase them?

We ship orders worldwide. Our burners are available from dealers widely throughout the US and Canada and also in many European countries as well as Australia and New Zealand.

Where are the machines and nibs made?

Our tips and machines are made in our facility here in Canada. We try to make as much as we can here and to deal as much as possible with local suppliers.

You offer both fixed tip and interchangeable tip options, which is more popular?

The interchangeable tips are very popular for beginners and those who want a variety of tips or to try them out with less cost. Where the fixed tip pens are popular for those who want the ease of switching pens or those who only want a select few options and know what tips they like.

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What are the three most popular nib options you have available? And how many nib options do you offer?

We have a 5 piece pyrography tip set that is very popular as it offers much of what people are looking for to start out.


You shared an exclusive with us, TWO NEW PRODUCTS that are in the works. What are they and when can we expect to be able to purchase them?

We previewed our new Standard Pen and the P88 - an advanced version of the P80, which features 8 customizable memory heat settings as well as some other new features.

How do you recommend that pyrographers clean your wood burning tools? Does it depend on the type of nib?

Sharp, straight or flat tips can be cleaned with ease (hot or cold) using the Razertip Tip Cleaner. Rounded, curved or ball tips are better cleaned with a dense brass brush. We suggest avoiding anything abrasive, which can cause wear on the tip.

What goals do you have for Razertip? 

To never sit still… We continue to look for ways to inspire our customers and meet their needs with our tools, offerings and customer service. 

Watch the recorded live interview: