Featured WBC Takeover Artist: Mahealani Bradley of Art By Mahealani

Mahealani Bradley of Art By Mahealani


“I’m Mahea (Mah-Hey-Uh) of Art by Mahealani and I’m a mixed race artist. I’m proud to be apart of the #API (Asian Pacific Islander) community being both native Hawaiian and Japanese. I’m mixed with German making me an unusual melting pot of identities but that’s what makes me, ME.

I struggled a lot to discover my voice amidst the chaos of wanting to be loyal to each of my races and heritage. Feeling like I’m too much of one to fit in with the others. But recently, I realized that I can be a bit of everything and that’s what makes me even stronger and unique and comes through in my art. It was a truly lovely awakening! Anyone who is mixed race, I say let your uniqueness shine and keep on creating! ✨

I express myself through wood burned art, or pyrography. I’ve always loved art but when I found wood burning, I lit up and couldn’t stop and I try to bring my different backgrounds through in my creations. I started my Etsy in 2020 which was a big step and challenge all on its own. But I did it. And I am so glad I did.”

Follow Mahealani on Instagram and Etsy

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