Welcome to the Complete Wood Burning Toolkit!

I am glad you are here. 

wood burning testimonials

It means you are serious about your your craft, and that excites me, because you are EXACTLY the person I like to help. Someone who is motivated. Someone who wants to succeed, but knows they don't need to re-invent the wheel in order to do it. You are in the right place.

With this Toolkit, you are investing in your education, your art, and in yourself. Thanks for putting your trust in me. I take that seriously, and am happy to guarantee with 100% satisfaction that you and your craft will benefit from the contents of this Toolkit when you put it to use. 

I really believe in what is in it, and its ability to help your pyrography grow. 

Once you are in, you will always have access to the toolkit, and its updates. 

woodburning for pyrographers

The Toolkit is self-guided and taught by myself and other fantastic pyrographers in our community. It is a massive collection of pyro information in one spot. You can work at your own pace, on your own time, at your own speed, and in your own order. There are audio lessons (transcripts included), written lessons, video and picture tutorials, as well as PDF printables to go with the entire Toolkit. The intention is having everything all in ONE place where you can go to find tools, resources, and sound advice for all things wood burning. It really is the Complete Wood Burning Toolkit. 

While the Toolkit puts everything at your fingertips, you will still have to put in the work to see the results, you just won't have to do it the long + hard way. I'm so eager for you to dive in and see why I am really excited for this #woodburntoolkit.

Can't wait to see what you burn!

Happy Burning,

Rachel Strauss


Questions the Wood Burning Toolkit will answer:

How do I source wood? What burner is right for me? What wood burning books should I own? How should I finish my piece? How do I add color? What is the best way to transfer a design to wood?


What you get in the toolkit:

Artist's Health - Mental and Physical Health is #1 priority, as well as safety.

Techniques - Learn wood burning tips/tricks and techniques, get inspired and excited for pyrography.

Surfaces - Learn about the many wood and non-wood surface options available with pyrography.

Burners - One stop comparison and reviews of commonly used pyrography machines from members of the community, how to take care of them, and nibs!

Tools - Recommended tools and their uses.

Transfer Techniques - The best ways to get designs onto wood, and how to do it.

Adding Color - Adding color can add so much to a piece, this section covers many different ways to add color to wood burned pieces.

Finishes - Knowing the right finish to add to a piece can make it or break it.

Pyrography Books - Compare over 21 pyrography books to know which ones are right for you.



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Looking to Turn your wood burned artwork into cash?

Consider The Complete Wood Burning + Business Toolkit and make money doing what you love!