Watch Minisa of Minisa Pyrography Burn LIVE


Friday, February 10th at 5pm (PST)


Realistic Textures

Black Backgrounds, Clouds and Smoke, and Water droplets


Minisa Robinson

Minisa Pyrography

Find her on Instagram and Patreon


Minisa Robinson was raised in the mountains and backcountry of Colorado and grew up with a strong appreciation of art. Minisa is self-taught in many areas of art including oil painting, sketching, graphic arts, acrylic painting and alcohol inks. However, she is most known for her realistic woodburnings, also known as pyrographic art.

1. How long have you been burning for and how did you discover pyrography/what got you started?

I started wood burning in 2009 while exploring the art of wood carving.

2. Describe your style in three words 

Realistic, Dramatic, Clean

3. What are your favorite tools to use when wood burning (machines, nibs, wood, other odd tools etc...)?

Walnut Hollow Creative Versa-Tool and the Shading Point. Occasionally, the Razertip with a small round shader point

4. Do you make any other kind of art? What kinds of other mediums do you like to work with?

I create hand-painted pendants and jewelry, create graphite drawings and paint.

5. What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I'm a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo.

WIN A SIGNED COPY OF Minisa’s BOOK (OPEN TO U.s. residents):

Show up to the class and have your chance to win Minisa’s book; Woodburning Realistic Animals or Woodburning Projects and Patterns for Beginners.