Everything you need for your creative business in one spot


Welcome to the Complete Business Toolkit!

I am so glad you are here. You being here means you are serious about your business and that excites me, because you are EXACTLY the person I like to help. Someone who is motivated. Someone who wants to succeed, but knows they don't need to learn the hard way in order to do that. You are in the right place.


With this Toolkit, you are investing in your education, your business, and in yourself. Thanks for putting your trust in me. I take that seriously, and am happy to guarantee with 100% satisfaction that you and your business will benefit from the contents of this Toolkit when you put it to use. 

I really believe in what is in it, and its ability to help businesses grow.  

Once you are in, you will always have access to the toolkit, and all future updates.  

The Toolkit is self-guided. You can work at your own pace, on your own time, at your own speed, and in your own order. There are audio lessons (transcripts included), written lessons, video and picture tutorials, as well as PDF printables to go with the entire Toolkit. 

You get to use the Toolkit in whatever way works best for you, your business, how you learn, and when. You hold the reins. 

business tips and tricks

The intention is having everything all in ONE place where you can go to find tools, resources, and sound advice you need for all things business.

While the Toolkit puts it at your fingertips, you will still have to put in the work to see the results, you just won't have to do it the long + hard way. I'm so eager for you to dive in and see why I am really excited for this #biztoolkit.

Can't wait to watch your business grow!

Questions the Toolkit will answer:

How do I make more money with my creative business? How do I find customers?
How do I network? How do I get over imposter syndrome? Facebook or Instagram? How do I grow my business? How do I market my work? What platforms should I use? Do I need hashtags?


What you get in the toolkit:

Goal Setting: Before we begin, we must first know where we are going. I want you to start here. 

Finding Focus: Knowing where to focus your efforts and why is so important in the process. 

Community + Collaboration: Community over competition, and the power that it holds.

Productivity, Assigning Tasks + Accomplishing Goals: Turning your dream life into reality.

Artist Health: You come first. You can't do anything if you don't take care of yourself.

Photography + Videography: Getting this right is so important.

Copyright Basics + Art Reference: Know better, do better.

Avenues of Revenue: Let's talk tentacles! How to bring in money using multiple revenue streams.

Selling: How to drive traffic to you, pricing your art, marketing tips, and bookkeeping to you can sell, sell well, and sell confidently.

Selling In-Person: The benefits of reaching new audiences through teaching, art galleries, and craft shows in person.

Email Lists: If you haven't started one yet, you will now!

Website + eCommerce: Choosing your website/eCommerce host.

Social Media: Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube: which ones to use and how to most effectively utilize them.

Digital Prints + Licensing: Making your work work for you beyond the initial sale.

Subscriptions: Product or service, subscription services are fantastic steady income.

Book Recommendations: Book reviews and recommendations of literature that has made an impact on my life and business.



Are you a pyrographer and want to boost your wood burning skills and start selling your art?? Consider The Complete Wood Burning + Business Toolkit 2022!

MAIN IMAGE WB + B Toolkit.png

While the business toolkit gives you an overview and enough information to get you started, this deep dive into Pinterest gives you all the key elements you need the reach your target audience. If you have purchased the business toolkit and are ready to immerse yourself in the Pinterest world, let us know and we will give you 50% off of the Pinterest Toolkit.

pinterest Toolkit