Wood Burn Corner

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From Artist to Author Book Publishing Summit

A first-of-its-kind virtual book publishing summit just for artists

This is a unique event that is for those who have ever dreamed of writing and publishing their own book!

Learn how to create your own best-selling book as we spend 5 days with 30+ of the top published artists and industry experts in the field.

Meet the Speakers

I will be among those interviewed! Here is the lineup of the amazing artists and authors who will be sharing their experience in writing their own books:

Ali Kriegsman - @alikriegs

Sarah Simon - @themintgardener

Alli Koch - @allikdesign

Miranda Anderson - @livefreemiranda

Cori George - @heyletsmakestuff

Andrea Pippins - @andreapippins

Josh Ryan - @imakethangs

Jen and Amy Hood - @hoodzpahdesign

Morgan MacDonald - @paperravenbooksteam

Liz Kohler Brown - @lizkohlerbrown

Katerina Popova - @katerinaspopova

Jeanetta Gonzales - @nettdesigns

Jessica Hische - @jessicahische

Melissa Iwai - @melissaiwai1

Melanie LeBarge - @melanie.labarge

Caroline Corrigan - @carolinecorrigan

Jessica Mack - @brownpaperbunny

Curtis Canham - @curtiscanham

Samantha Nielsen - @sj_nielsen

Olivia Herrick - @olivaherrickdesign

Erin McManness - @paperraven.co

Sarah Sax - @sarahsaxart

Katie Vaz - @katiemarievaz

Becky Simpson - @beckymsimps

Alyce Zawacki - @attorneyforcreatives

Lisa Congdon - @lisacongdon

Kate Woodrow - @presentperfectlit

Brooke Robinson - @goodtype

Lindsay Wilkes-Edrington - @bluestarpress

Brenna Licalzi - @bluestarpress




Access to the
3 Featured Sessions

You’ll get live access (plus recordings) of the three featured sessions by Jessica Hische, Lisa Congdon, and The Hood Sisters

Great if you just wanna dip your toes in…




Live Access to the
Full Summit

You’ll get live access to the entire 5 day summit, plus recordings of the three featured sessions by Jessica Hische, Lisa Congdon, and The Hood Sisters

Great option if you can make it live!




Live Access to the Full Summit + Replay Vault

You’ll get live access to the entire 5 day summit plus 1 year of access to recordings of every session in our replay vault.

Best for serious learning & long-term success!